On Friday June 2, 2023, an MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) was signed in Belgrade/Serbia between ESSF – European School Sport Federation and WUKF – World Union Karate Do Federation & WTKU – World Traditional Karate Do Union & SKDUN – Shotokan Karate Do United Nations. Three of the largest karate organizations in the world have signed with the ESSF-European School Sport Federation, this historic document, which establishes the terms of a collaboration in order to promote the practice of karate in schools as a form of education.
Mr. Zeljko Tanaskovic – ESSF President, Mr. Liviu Adrian Crisan – President of WUKF, Mr. Aurel Patru – President of SKDUN, Mr. Ilija Jorga – President of WTKU, handed over the ESSF flag to the representative of the Romanian delegation – the country that will organize the second edition of OPEN ESSF COMBAT GAMES in Bucharest.