We have the honor to invite you to France in a camp location Center du Torrent, 4 rue de Mollau, 68470 Storckensohn, France from March 28 to March 30, 2025.
The inspiration of the Fudokan tradition that we feel every year in Rudnick we bring with pleasure in your attention and in your children through this event organized in France.
A camp especially for Fudokan children but also for all those who want to follow the Fudokan tradition.
The Fudokan movement in France with World Fudokan Federation offers you both a Internship with our master Prof.Dr. Ilija Jorga Soke 10 DAN, a unique individual tournement for children registered in the Fudokan annual calendar, as well as moments of conviviality and family spirit.
The idea is to boost the technical level of the competition and to show that the Fudokan is synonymous with quality.
This Camp is the perfect opportunity for all participants to live an enriching and trainer experience.
Regardless of your level, you will find here a chance to grow, both technically and personal.
Why this Camp?
•Improve the technical level: we want high-flying competitions where everyone can show and improve their skills.
•Highlight the Fudokan: associate this discipline with high quality and performance standards.
•Encourage personal growth: create an environment where everyone can progress on their own life path, in agreement with the principles of the Fudokan.
Join us for this incredible adventure and find out how the Fudokan can transform your martial and personal journey.
This tournament – The Fudokan Eagles – is designed for participants, with unique advantages.
1. Special guests: The referees will be our guest of honor, with accommodation and free meals. (5 referees maximum);
2. Participation: Each (national federation or club or association) is welcome in France;
3. Internship : The internship is compulsory for all those present, in order to guarantee a high level of preparation and competence;
4. Compensation: The referees will be remunerated up to 100€ for their participation. (5 referees maximum);
5. Rewards: Nations (national federation or club or association) that will accumulate the most points in total will be rewarded as follows:
•1st place : check 300€;
•2nd place : check 200€;
•3rd place : check 100€;
Internship supported by the founder of Fudokan, Prof. Dr. Soke Ilija Jorga 10 DAN:
- Friday 29 mars 5.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
- Saturday 30 mars 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Place :
4 rue de Mollau, 68470 Storckensohn, France
European tournament for children 8-9 years old, 10-11 years old and 12-13 years old.
Year of birth : n°/Sex & Competition Time :
- 2017 – 2016: 12M/12F – 14h to 15h30
- 2015 – 2014: 12M/12F – 16h to 17h30
- 2013 – 2012: 12M/12F – 18h to 19H30
Each nation (national federation or club or association) will try to bring their best athlete to their age category.
•The tournament is open at 72 children maximum;
•12 children maximum each age and sex;
1. First eliminatory round: Kihon;
2. Second eliminatory round: Kata;
3. Third final round: Kihon Ippon Kumite;
* Each round lines up with the World Fudokan Federation standards
* In the final there are 3 participants and have a match each with each (the one with the most points is Champion)
The competition takes place on a single surface and has the following program :
•8 – 9 years old, boys and girls: 14h – 15h30
•10 – 11 years old, boys and girls: 16h – 17h30
•12- 13 years old, boys and girls : 18h – 19h30
Registrations are open until December 1, so be sure to complete these steps before this date.
If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to ask us at +33638617551 or at email adress: contact@fudokanpourtous.fr
We look forward to welcoming you and sharing with you this enriching and competitive experience in the Fudokan spirit.
Together we grow Fudokan !
Invitation:A way of life Fudokan
Registration: A way of life registrations